Donbas Family Photo Archive - is a synergy of visual anthropology and photodocumentary history on the example of personal photo archives of the residents of three cities of the government-controlled part of Luhansk region (Severodonetsk, Lyssychansk and Rubizhne), Ukraine.
We are interested in the period of black- and-white photography (from the beginning of the 20th century until the end of the 1980s) in personal photo stories of the inhabitants of Donbass.
Family photo archive of the residents of Luhansk region is a deep layer of visual material that displays all possible cultural and historical features of the modes of life of Luhansk region of the past century.
The heart of the photo archive is in Donbass, the eastern region of Ukraine, in the eastern part of Europe. Photo albums of the residents of Donbass are its photo documentary history.